We are
After our Bocconi degree and various work experiences, the call of the land of origin, Puglia, with its colors and scents, made us choose to come back.
With our luggage full of enthusiasm, in 2016 we returned to Andria with the intention of reviving an old family brand: Le 4 Contrade.
Ours is a life project as well as a work project, in which we believe more and more every day.
At the core of Le 4 Contrade there is the wellspring of everything: our organic farm, managed by our family for centuries and passed from father to son.
The Spagnoletti Zeuli family has been farming since the early 1600s, carefully modernizing the farm over time, following the development of agricoltural innovation.

Only local
We love to shine a light on the value of the produce from our Organic Masseria
and share with our customers a piece of our Apulian countryside, a tapestry of
centuries old olive trees, almond groves, vineyards and wheat fields rolling
across the hills of Murgia.
We only grow products from local varieties: Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil made
from unique Coratina monocultivar olives, as well as a collection of native
almonds including the Genco, Tuono and Filippo Cea varieties.
Our aim is
to give to our clients
the best Natural products
of our Land.
Our organic and sustainable choice
We believe in organic farming, without additives or chemical fertilizers, and in the importance of creating delicious food from healthy ingredients.
We are committed to guaranteeing quality and craftsmanship, ensuring the optimum selection of our best raw materials.
Our products are checked and analysed from the field, to the harvest, to the packaging, making sure we always give our customers the very best. We achieve all of this while still maintaining our desire to express ourselves with a style that reflects us.
Our land
Ever changing, emotional, a continuous discovery.
Puglia is a land that lives in a natural balance made of sea and olive trees,
villages and countryside, vineyards and historic pathways. With our Le 4
Contrade products we bring to your table a piece of our countryside, composed
of our centuries-old olive trees producing Coratina olives and almond trees
growing local varieties Genco, Tuono, Filippo Cea.
Our trees are nestled at the
foot of Castel del Monte, and their branches laden with fruit are gently
caressed by the wind of the Murgia.