From our
Our organic almonds from the Apulian Genco variety are cold grinded, without temperature changes, , in order to obtain wholemeal flour with all the tasty and nutraceutical properties of almonds. Naturally gluten-free and lactose-free, our organic wholemeal flour from shelled organic almonds is perfect for your tastiest sweet and savory recipes.

The wholemeal flour, obtained from the cold grinding of our almonds, retains all the nutraceutical properties and the persistent and rounded taste of the shelled almonds from the Apulian Genco variety. Almond flour is gluten and lactose free, it is rich in essential oils, vitamins, proteins and mineral salts; it is an excellent ally for your health due to its energizing, alkalizing, antioxidant and low glycemic index properties.
For sweet and
savory recipes
Given its intense flavor and fine consistency, our organic and wholemeal almond flour is excellent for making sweet and savory recipes. Try it for biscuits, cakes, crepes or mix it with other flours to enrich your desserts with taste and health. It is also perfect for savory recipes such as breading, meatballs, savory crepes.

We grow them like this
Le nostre mandorle biologiche Genco si presentano piene nella forma, croccanti e profumate.
Gustose e nutrienti per essere mangiate come snack al naturale, per la preparazione di dolci, latte di mandorla e anche ricette salate. Il sapore deciso e persistente di fiori bianchi e sesamo tostato si coniuga in maniera bilanciata con il retrogusto piacevolmente amarognolo, caratteristica distintiva delle nostre mandorle Genco. Il suo sapore particolare rende uniche e incomparabili le nostre mandorle rispetto alle altre.

Enjoy it
Visit our Bio Boutique and buy our Organic almond flour.
It is our new production!